Siena & Toast

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79 Funny Stories You’ll Only Hear From Lesbians, and Other LGBTQ Folks

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In this episode, we share some funny anecdotes and awkward social situations that can only happen to lesbians, and other LGBTQ folks. 😂 This is the kind of stuff that happens all the time …in the lives of dykes and lesbian couples, anyway.

The point is not just to give you some laughs, but to make you realize how good you can feel about yourself – a responsible and decent human being – especially if you’re LGBTQ.

Before we really get into all these stories, though, we talk about The Terror: Infamy, which is the name of the second season of a horror/ghost story T.V. series that reimagines historical events relating to Asian cultures. This second season, Infamy, follows the story of a Japanese American family during World War II.

The actual direct “gay talk” starts at around 13:20 into the episode.

OK, on to the main topic!

Awkward Social Situations Only Lesbians, and other LGBTQ folks, Can Relate To

Here’s a list of the types of things we cover.

  • people thinking you’re the opposite sex that you are

  • assuring people you’re using the “correct” public bathroom

  • working in retail and assisting customers in dressing rooms

  • people trying to figure out what your relationship is

  • hair stylists asking if you have a boyfriend

  • people trying to set you up with a guy

  • people’s fantasies and speculations about you

Our main message? You deal with a lot of stress and hurdles just being you, in the society we live in.

So if you’re still able to be a responsible adult, who treats others with respect and kindness, you’re already winning.