Siena & Toast

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84 Repurposing Rose Petals, “Balooby,” and Soba

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This is another variety episode (like last week’s).

And here are the three main topics we yak about.

There was a fourth but it was just thrown in throughout the whole ep: verbal tiks.

Re-purposing Rose Petals from Valentine’s Day

  • we’re preserving/drying rose petals

  • how fun and rich it is, to get more than just one use out of them (especially in this age of single-use, disposable stuff)

  • conventional oven, microwave oven, and open-air methods of drying rose petals

  • r-r-r-roses!


  • in-house language

  • what ‘cold’ means to different people, in different places

  • living in harmony with the seasons

  • what “balooby” feels like: sluggy, bloaty, blah, kinda gross

  • Spring is coming! Let’s un-baloobify!

  • what we’re going to do, to unbaloobify: workout plans


  • buckwheat noodles

  • non-gluten alternative to spaghetti noodles

  • weird to eat spaghetti sauce with purple noodles, but we did it and it worked

  • other wheat-free pasta options (that don’t work as well for us)