130 Back After A Year’s Hiatus: A Brief Intro to Who We Are & Why We Took a Year Off
Siena, Toast, a glass jar of what’s probably iced tea
We first started this pod back in the 2000s to help more people realize that lesbians come in all ethnicities, are just regular people, individuals, who just wanna live a life of personal and spiritual growth (like most people, probably), who just wanna manage to be decent to fellow humans and animals, etc.
We thought that that’d been kinda-sorta accomplished.
Have you been keeping up with the news lately?
This is our first new episode in over a year and this show is now part of a podcast network.
What does that mean?
Who even are we?
In this episode, we give you our backstories, featuring possibly out-of-date terms for LGBTQ folks like us.
And we generally just let you know what we’ve been up to this past year, featuring a big house centipede.
Links in this ep: