148 Do It Different: Using Teeny Tiny Goals To Make Bigger Changes

It was an itsy, bitsy, teenie, weenie, yellow, polka dot goal.

Here are notes on some things that happen in this episode.

  • πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈ Us! We could go to Mars!

  • πŸ¦– We make dinosaur noises

  • What being Filipino has to do with setting big goals (for Siena)

  • Pros and cons of big vs. little goals

  • Teeny Tiny Goals can be awesome to help accomplish Larger Long Term Goals

Why Teeny Tiny Goals Are Awesome

When the goal is teeny tiny, the feeling of accomplishment is easier to come by. And this feeling is gold, or, a more smarty sounding term might be: psychological momentum – that can make the desired behavior more likely to repeat itself. Ding ding ding! That’s what we want.

The whole basic idea is to get momentum going when it comes to your actions.

  • Teeny tiny: makes it easy

  • Some aspect of enjoyment to it: makes it easy

S.M.A.R.T. Goals

A common way to think about how to create an intelligent goal for the medium/long term is to use the acronym SMART.

S: specific (as opposed to vague)

M: measurable (quantifiable)

A: attainable or achievable (something you know you can do)

R: relevant (as pertains to your other values and goals; goals should support one another, or at least not violently oppose one another.)

T: time-based or time-bound (a deadline)

Siena & Toast