Flight #1001

Flight #1001 drk.jpg


Flight #1001 are songs that alternate back and forth btn our lifetimes and those of 100 yrs ago. I think an attentive listener can pick out the traits that link one song to the next. It might be a vocal style, a rhythm, or just a general mood, or theme. Sensitive listeners, I hope, might also feel the sensation of an embodied, familial bond btn generations that these links represent. It's a reunion playlist for the human family spanning 100 yrs in the West.

Flight time: 1 hr. 15 min. • 21 songs

To experience as intended, the captain asks that you refrain from shuffling, and allow the songs to play in sequence. Thank you. Enjoy your flight.

on Apple Music

on Tidal

on Spotify

on YouTube

[Music as therapy] got weird in 2020. It became abt the space btn songs . space as large as lifetimes . All that space became a way to process the feelings of being caught in the current of History.
There was a strange solace to be had in creating playlists that juxtaposed songs [from our era] with [those of our forbears], to center the relationship btn them, and us.
These playlists were attempts to transcend the time horizon, so I called them ‘flights.’ It was my effort to invoke a feeling of kinship btn us moderns and those who crossed over long ago. Those ones who built the streets we walk on, the grid we plug into.
Thanks, 2020, for helping me feel time different, and history, and music, and space.
