123 Love and Above Cat Club
Self-Care for the Cat Lover - love yourself like you love your cat!
In this episode, Siena leads us in introducing a labor of love that has some very personalized goodies created especially for very specific people. People who are lovers of cats, and woo, and who welcome support when it comes to self-care.
What exactly is this labor of love?
It’s Love and Above Cat Club (loveandabovecatclub.com)
It’s self-care for the cat lover.
It’s flower essences, aromatherapeutic essential oils, and self-care products.
Come be among the few, the proud, the sometimes misunderstood-but-not-by-us. If you’re on Insta or That Book, Love and Above Cat Club is at … Instagram.com/loveandabovecatclub and Facebook.com/loveandabovecatclub
Also in this episode:
one thing about social media that’s good
the amazing and amusing thing about the times we are living in
the evolution of LGBT to LGBTQ to LGBTQIA to LGBTQ+ to…?
why humans crack us up