151 Making Friends As An Adult

Just maintaining, let alone making, new friends, isn’t so easy as an adult, amirite?!

In this episode, we discuss topics including:

  • “the 4 a.m. friend”

  • an incident with our neighbors

  • idealization of friendships in movies vs. real life

  • how every relationship is unique

  • how you don’t need to, nor should you, treat all friends ‘equally’

  • some are only for a season, and that’s ok

  • making friends in adulthood feels less natural, no?

  • a Meet-Up group for lesbian introverts

  • “the liking gap”

We also take a much (much!) broader perspective to see how:

  • our entire economy is set-up to incentivize us away from the bonding social connections that would otherwise emerge naturally

  • it does this through usury, that is, interest-bearing debt

  • Charles Eisenstein’s book Sacred Economics explains it in great detail (sacred-economics.com)

  • our culture is now between worlds, that is, more of us have realized that the way our economy has been set-up gives rise to many problems, one of which is this lack and difficulty of nurturing friendships and edifying human connection

May the New World, or, should we say the RE-Newed World, be one where the economic system we live within is more supportive of making and strengthening these edifying social connections.

Siena & Toast