69 Get More Joy Out of Doing Less

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This episode was inspired by a funny observation from a heart-of-gold friend who once remarked that all the people running around the mall knew the holidays were coming. all. year. long. So, why the mad rush at the end?

It’s not like the holidays were an ambush.

In this episode, we make an argument for putting up barriers to protect your time and attention (which is to say, your life) during the holidays.

You have permission to do what’s best for your health, your sustainability, and your inner strength.

In fact, you are at your best and most useful when you are those things.

This means that while you may need to over-extend yourself sometimes, you should also follow that up with some good self-care.

You probably already know what you need more of, whether that’s activity, or some quiet time.

Go do that.

It’s ok to take a time out, and sit on the bench sometimes.

The world may try to pressure you to get really busy and hectic during the upcoming holiday season. Don’t fall for it.

P.S. Siena mentions her love of gift-wrapping and last year’s episode about it. Here’s the link to it: https://sienaandtoast.com/podcast/33-giftwrap

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