08 Secrets & Game Changers
There are two kinds of people: those who are Growing and Glowing. And those who are Status Quo-ing.
Growing and Glowing people take what life throws at them and rise to the challenge. They push against their comfort zones, and live life on the exciting edge of new frontiers, achieving dreams, always reaching for, and raising the ceiling on, their potential. It can feel scary, but they don't let fear stop them!
Status Quo-ing people take what life throws at them and resign themselves to living below their potential. They capitulate to fear, and allow the fear to keep them inside of a box too small for the life they feel they might live...if only they had...something. A little help? A little support? Enough courage? Luck? The perfect circumstances? A guarantee that their risks will pay off?
Q: What separates the Status Quo from the Growing and Glowing?
Selfie on our day at Portland Rose City Festival
A: The quality of their relationships.
The key to a high quality life is having high quality relationships.
That's something we've realized through our own relationship so far.
We've been together since 2001. The quality of our relationship (and lives) has increased and broadened during that time, and the rewards have been so worth the effort!
One huge thing we realized was that, once we got ongoing support for the changes we wanted to make – in our mindsets, thought patterns, emotional patterns – wow, we were really able to gain traction and momentum to change our lives and our relationships for the better.
When we say "relationships," we're talking about all of them, like...
with your self
your partner
your past
your work
your thoughts and opinions
your larger family
your money and finances
your time
your hopes and dreams
and with the Universe/Spirit/God