153 The Struggle Is Real: Decision Fatigue
Siena’s workouts are pre-decided.
Are you irritable, impulsive? Do you procrastinate? Maybe it’s…Decision Fatigue!
After a lil’ chit chat about Bear’s many maaaany nicknames, and our Homemade Pumpkin Pie from our home-roasted (Halloween) pumpkins, we get into the topic.
What Is Decision Fatigue?
When you’ve made too many decisions (and it doesn’t matter whether they’re simple or complicated ones), you get fatigued.
It’s just what happens.
In this episode, we discuss this phenomenon and what to do about it.
Also, at one point, Toast is struck dumb when she learns what Siena thinks about her wardrobe.
We mention another episode in this ep, and for your reference, that ep is: Why You’re In A Rut: The Need For Novelty
Thoughts On How To Reduce Decision Fatigue
Routinize what you can. Treat your schedule in such a way that you leave it less open to be changed. If you always do a certain task at a certain time, that’s one less decision to make. Or rather, it’s a decision you’ve pre-made, so you don’t have to keep on making it. Possibilities include stuff like…
what you’ll wear
what you’ll eat
what your workout is
Take brain breaks! Give your brain a rest by letting it, or making it, do something different for a while.
Have a mindfulness practice. Get well acquainted with a place of stillness, so you can access it more easily, more often.
Have compassion for yourself. Don’t punch yourself in the face. Y’know, don’t beat yourself up.