49 Money and Relationships
The look Toast has after finishing off a gourmet vegan dish of locally sourced produce.
Date Update
At the top of this episode, we gave a quick update on our Date Project (this is the first time we’ve scheduled all our ‘date nights’ for the entire year in advance). So here’s the latest: we thoroughly enjoyed a very special date night outing to Farm Spirit here in Portland. We were gifted two seats to their Cascadian Tasting Menu, and it was fantastic: a feast for the eyes, heart, and palate.
And now, on to the main topic of this episode….
Money Stories
One of the top things couples argue about is MONEY.
In this episode, we talk about Money in our relationship.
We share our individual personal histories and stories around money, which is similar to the concept of “Love Languages” (covered in this other episode #40 The Love Languages).
Becoming more conscious of our stories around money has helped us to have a better relationship.
And we hope our sharing helps you, too!