88 Ramblings About Smartphone Addiction
We recorded this episode on Sun. April 6, 2020, which marks 24 days of our self-quarantine during the COVID-19 pandemic.
An image from the pre-pandemic days.
It starts with…
…about The 🧻 Toilet Paper Challenge (how many squares do you need? crumpling vs. folding) and attending virtual concerts. But the chat them moves on to…
Deeper Topics
…that can be summed up as: centered around Smartphone Addiction.
Hawaii vs. California vs. Oregon: the dynamics of in-person interactions, and how we subconsciously adjust and ‘normalize’ our behavior to fit in, in different cultures
Conveying conscious respect for each other in even simple personal interactions, whether you’re an extrovert, introvert, and/or empath.
Humans as communal creatures and how social media is a double-edged sword that can connect, but also numb our capacity to connect more deeply.
[Empty-calorie sugar] vs. [Nutrient-rich foods] as a metaphor for our media diets. Sugar can give you a quick hit, but your organism simply isn’t evolved to live a truly good life, being fueled by too much of it.