90 New Levels of Self-Care
We recorded this episode on Mon. Apr. 20, 2020, which marks 39 days of our self-quarantine during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Opening remarks include the silliness of…
Anyone else cleaning house more during our collective stay-at-home efforts?
What about sorta freaking yourself out, looking at owl legs?
How about just cooking?
And now for the main topic:
Self-care during our collective quarantine during the era of COVID-19
to wear jeans, or to stay in sweats? the phenomenon of enclothed cognition
the new structure for your all-day-at-home days. time targets, task targets, and using domestic chores as mental breaks
staying in integrity when scheduling FaceTime or Zoom meet-ups; protecting your time. alternatives like Marco Polo or Voxer
learning and telling your story; that is: getting clearer on how your personal history has shaped your interpretation of life.