96 The Life-Affirming Rewards of Awareness

We recorded this episode on Sun. May 31, 2020, which marks our 80th day of self-quarantine during the global COVID-19 pandemic, and also the first week of historic widespread protests against police brutality and systemic racism in the United States.

We discuss:

  • your point of view affects how you feel

  • activism looks different for everyone

  • present day events can activate feelings about the past

  • quitting coffee (?!)

  • simple kindness means more during dangerous times

  • what our soul values vs. what weā€™re pressured to value

  • really living while youā€™re still alive

  • ā€œpracticalā€ vs. ā€œbeautifulā€

  • practical and beautiful are not mutually exclusive

  • creating beauty is an act of defiance and strength; itā€™s what love looks like

  • healing gifts from nature: flower essences, lavender oil, deep conscious breathing, water, meditation

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