97 Feel Tense? Here’s a Way to Unwind & Reclaim Your Energetic Boundaries

We recorded this episode on Sun. June 7, 2020, which marks our 87th day of self-quarantine during the global COVID-19 pandemic, and amid continuing protests in the United States and around the world, against police brutality and systemic racism.

We cover:

  • 🌸 when you enjoy and create beauty, it's a finger in the face of authoritarianism and helps combat it; keep on keeping on

  • 🍰 baking "sort of good for you" brownies, and lemon cake

  • 🐈 a ghost cat is in our house

  • ⚡️ intensity of the energies now coursing through our society

  • 🎯 what are your core values; who do you want to be?

  • 📊 lack of info may not be the problem you think it is

  • ☯️ all energy is self-generated; you have self-power

  • 🔪 use it, and be the cause of effects

4 Steps to Unravel Yourself: a bird's eye view

Here’s a flyover view of the “steps” we talk through:

  1. notice what you notice

  2. take conscious breaths

  3. relinquish your framework

  4. insert another